Program Timeline

The AMES/OMSE Education Scholars Program spans a full academic year beginning in September and ending in the following summer. As the Timeline below explains, scholars then present their projects at an FID Series seminar in the following fall term.  Scholars will receive formative feedback from the Academy of Medical Education Scholars (AMES) faculty at that time. The aim is to assist the Education Scholars in preparing posters of their final work at the Medical Education Research Day in the following Spring.


Fall Term

Education Scholars Program participants will:

  • Participate in workshops, one-on-one sessions and asynchronous learning via the iTunes U course for Education Scholars, including the following topics:
    • Developmental learning theory
    • Teaching practices, strategies for assessment and feedback,
    • How to design and implement education studies
    • Resources for IRB regulations and University of Arizona HSPP policies.
  • Design an education study addressing such issues as teaching or assessment skills, faculty development issues, curriculum or program development or improvement.
  • Draft an IRB Project Application to document the study design; and submit to IRB if required by UA policies and regulations.
  • Attend or view the recorded sessions of the previous cohort's project presentations.

The Program Director will review participants' project plans and provide guidance in the design and execution of the project.

Spring Term

Education Scholars Program participants will:

  • Implement the education study plan, i.e.., collect and analyze data.
  • Draft preliminary findings and submit to the Director for feedback.
  • Present projects to peer participants for feedback.
  • Attend the Medical Education Research Day, view Education Scholars' posters from the previous year.


Education Scholars Program participants will:
  • Draft report of findings
  • Discuss/submit a plan for finalizing presentation
  • Prepare a draft abstract or manuscript for formative feedback

Presentations & Posters

Education Scholars Program participants will:

  • Present projects at the fall of the following academic year; and 
  • Present posters at the Medical Education Research Day.